Half woven ruin I, 2021

Material: deadstock cotton, linen
Dimensions: 69 x 58 cm 
Technique:  Spot Bronson weave structure
Handyed with Natural dye - Allium cepa,  Rubia cordifolia 

“Half woven ruin” explores the remains of a former identity.

Half woven ruin II, 2021

Material: deadstock cotton, viscose, silk, paper yarn
Dimensions: 73 x 48.5 cm
Technique:  Spot Bronson weave structure
Handyed with Natural dyes - Allium cepa, Haematoxylum campechianum, Juglans regia

Half woven ruin III, 2021

Material: deadstock cotton, linen
Dimensions: 69 x 58 cm 
Technique:  Spot Bronson weave structure
Handyed with Natural dyes - Allium cepa 

Half woven ruin IV, 2021

Material: deadstock cotton, linen
Dimensions: 73 x 48.5 cm
Technique:  Spot Bronson weave structure
Handyed with Natural dye - Allium cepa,  Rubia cordifolia,  Acacia catechu